Local Groups

GreenFaith Wy'East

Started in August 2023, GreenFaith Wy'East is a small group of people seeking to combine the practice of our faith with climate activism. We focus on organizing Interfaith Ceremonies that build community and function as spiritual practice for those involved. We aim to facilitate the creation of temporary spaces where we can take refuge in one another as people of faith who are distressed by the breakdown of our earth's natural life-support systems. Our Interfaith Ceremonies are designed primarily to provide spiritual catharsis, growth, and sustenance for their participants; positive impacts on government, businesses, institutions, or the public are secondary considerations. There are many ways to take action in the climate justice movement, and we hope our activities will build fruitful connections and help support and nourish those who take action in other ways. Our Interfaith Ceremonies: * involve gathering together in public for rituals and practices that embody our faith and values and our deep concern for life on earth * include spiritual elements like meditation, prayer, reflection, scripture reading, or song are symbolic, ritual, or practical, or some combination of these * may involve standing up for or against something in a public way, or may be something we are doing more or less for ourselves, in order to bear witness to our climate and ecological crisis and the associated suffering of living beings and things * may be associated with the actions of other groups, in coalition with them, or organized on our own * are peaceful and nonviolent, and demonstrate compassion, respect, and love for all people, living beings, and ecosystems We are active on land stolen from indigenous Kalapuya, Chinook, and Molalla peoples, in the shadow of Wy'East (Mt. Hood). We hope to grow - please join us! For more about us -- https://www.greenfaithwyeast.org/ To stay in touch -- https://www.greenfaithwyeast.org/contact.html
2 Members
Leah J.

Central Bergen GreenFaith Circle

In the face of the climate crisis, our local GreenFaith Circle aims to bring together people of faith and goodwill to seek a just and sustainable future for our sacred planet. We are part of a global network of people of faith and goodwill working to stop climate change now. We are: -Passionate about faith-based action on climate change and the environment -Eager to be part of a global, multi-faith community of Circles -Hungry for spiritual reflection, education, training, campaigning and creative mobilization -Ready to take action on GreenFaith campaigns Join us!
1 Members
Andrew B.