Fossil Fuels Desecrate Our Earth: Prayerful Action at BlackRock

The extraction and burning of fossil fuels is destroying our sacred and beautiful planet. As the world's largest asset manager, BlackRock is pouring vast amounts of money into the oil, gas, and coal industries.
Join us for a prayerful, powerful multifaith gathering as we urge BlackRock to divest from fossil fuels and invest in renewable energy and adopt policies that prioritize the rights of indigenous communities around the world.
Our demands:
1) Exclude fossil fuels from active funds.
2) Make more investments in clean energy – and make climate-safe funds the default for active funds.
3) Adopt a policy for and by Indigenous peoples.
Business as usual can not go on any longer. The finance industry must stop investing in climate destruction.
Sponsors & Partners:
Jewish Youth Climate Movement
Hindus for Human Rights
New York Communities for Change
Extinction Rebellion Mindful Rebels
Third Act Faith
Third Act NYC
Judson Memorial Church
Fourth Universalist Society of New York
Community Church of New York
Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America
The Shalom Center
Check out trainings and gatherings (including a picnic and art build) in the run up to 10/19 here:
Note: Keep an eye out for emails as event details are subject to change.
Current schedule of events:
8am: Coffee and donuts
840am: Safety info and grounding in prayer, meditation, and song
9am: Begin march to BlackRock
Join us for a prayerful, powerful multifaith gathering as we urge BlackRock to divest from fossil fuels and invest in renewable energy and adopt policies that prioritize the rights of indigenous communities around the world.
Our demands:
1) Exclude fossil fuels from active funds.
2) Make more investments in clean energy – and make climate-safe funds the default for active funds.
3) Adopt a policy for and by Indigenous peoples.
Business as usual can not go on any longer. The finance industry must stop investing in climate destruction.
Sponsors & Partners:
Jewish Youth Climate Movement
Hindus for Human Rights
New York Communities for Change
Extinction Rebellion Mindful Rebels
Third Act Faith
Third Act NYC
Judson Memorial Church
Fourth Universalist Society of New York
Community Church of New York
Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America
The Shalom Center
Check out trainings and gatherings (including a picnic and art build) in the run up to 10/19 here:
Note: Keep an eye out for emails as event details are subject to change.
Current schedule of events:
8am: Coffee and donuts
840am: Safety info and grounding in prayer, meditation, and song
9am: Begin march to BlackRock
Starts on
Wednesday, 19 October 2022 at 8:00 AM EDT
New York, NY, 10022
United States
Full address will be provided upon RSVP